Done: production, engineering, additional arrangements, rhtyhm programming, mastering Label: remute D
Category Archives: 2011

imperative reaction – surface – cd maxi + rotersand rework
Done: mastering of cd maxi: additonal production and remix for ‘surface – rotersand rework’ Label: dependent D, metropolis US

skold – tonight – rotersand rework
Done: tonight (rotersand rework) additional production and remix: Label: dependent D, metropolis USA

Straftanz – Mainstream Sellout Overground – cd album
Done: Everything done at Studio 600. Label: scanner/DarkDimensions DE metropolis records US

iVardensphere – filterscape – rotersand rework
Done: iVardensphere – filterscape (rotersand rework): additional production and remix. Label: metropolis USA

kmfdm – come on, go off – rotersand rework
Done: kmfdm – come on, go off (rotersand rework) – additional production and remix, Label: metropolis USA, dependent D

aesthetic perfection – devils in the details/inhuman – cd maxi + straftanz remix
Done: additional production, mix-engineering, mastering, straftanz remix of ‘the bitter years’ Label: metropolis USA, Out of line D

aesthetic perfection – all beauty destroyed – cd album
Done: production, engineering, additional arrangements, rhythm programming, mastering Label: metropolis USA, Out of line D

Imperative Reaction – Imperative Reaction – cd album
Done: production, engineering, additional arrangements, rhythm programming, mastering Label: metropolis USA, Dependent D

extize – headquake – straftanz remix
Done: extize – headquake (straftanz remix): additional production and remix Label: Trisol D

encephalon – the transhuman condition – 2 tracks on cd album
Done: additional production, rhythm programming, engineering Label: dependent D, metropolis US

Hocico – bite me! – rotersand rework
Done: bite me (rotersand rework) additional production and remix Label: out of line D, metropolis USA

fernthal – believe in love – rotersand rework
Done: additional production and remix believe in love (rotersand rework) Label: premium records.
zynic – my pesonal kryptonite – rotersand rework
Done: additonal production and remix Label: conzoom rec D